Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Kids and Music

Why is it that kids love to play the piano, but hate to practice? My son takes piano lessons once a week and is quite good. I remind him to play often, ok, sort of often and he totally avoids the suggestion. I have pretty much refused to take the blame for his non-piano practicing. He is old enough to take responsibility for his non-compliance with extra-curricular activities...wait a minute. I am the one who is paying for all of this! It's a good thing he does do well, even without practice. And he does like his teacher and being at the actual lesson. I do believe music is an essential part of a kid's development so I guess I will put up with the practice issue and continue to pay for lessons. Next year he will be eligible to play saxophone in the school band so I am going to enjoy the smooth sounds of the piano as long as I can!

1 comment:

  1. I just cannot imagine a parent paying for piano lesson and the child not wanting to practice!! Huh, imagine that.....
